Service Line Inventory Notification

Ware Water Service Line Inventory Notification

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In 2021, the US EPA published revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule that are intended to better protect children and communities from lead exposure risks and support efforts to remove lead from drinking water. The revisions require Public Water Systems to complete an inventory of all service lines connected to their distribution system and develop a Lead Service Line Replacement Plan. The inventory must include the pipe material and other information for both the system-owned and customer-owned portions of the service line between the water main and a structure. The Inventory and Replacement Plan must be submitted to MassDEP by October 16, 2024, and the inventory must be made publicly accessible.

Between now and October 2024, the Ware Water Department will be reviewing records, distributing a survey for customers to provide information on their service pipe near the water meter inside their home/business and selectively conducting service line inspections at the property line.

The Ware Water Department is committed to providing clean, safe drinking water to all customers and regularly conducts sampling for lead in accordance with all federal and state requirements. Information regarding lead in drinking water is provided in the Water Department’s Annual Water Quality Report. Stay tuned for future mailings and updates on the Water Department website providing further information on the new requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and additional details on those activities listed above to develop Ware’s service line inventory.

For more information on lead in drinking water please visit:
Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative:

"How To" Find a Service Line